I’ll take my California Scramble, Basted, Please!

I knew years ago, as a 12-year-old writing in my diary, that I “wasn’t normal”.


I tried real hard to be “like everyone else”.


Inevitably, though, I was the kid whose parents always wanted their “psycho kids” to play with, and other kids incontrovertibly found just plain “weird” and avoided like the plague.


I haven’t a clue as to why.


I thought I looked just as sytlin’ as everyone else did in their lime- green fishnet stockings and white, pleather, go-go boots.


But go figure.


So, it shouldn’t surprise me (at this age) that weird stuff happens to me on a daily basis.


This past weekend, the Princess and I met one of our good friends for breakfast at one of her local breakfast joints on the Peninsula.


Unlike other times when I order, I decided to make it easy on the clerk taking my request and choose something directly from the menu.


I didn’t want anything “on the side”, “without anything added” or (God forbid!) “on a separate dish”.


I just wanted their California Egg SCRAMBLE.


Simple enough, right?




After waiting forever and a day in line at this joint, I get up to the clerk, politely greet her, and place, what I think is a very simple order.


“I’ll take your California Egg SCRAMBLE, with a glass of water, please,” I politely tell the clerk while reading directly from the menu that I have in my hand.


“How do you want your eggs?” she responds.


“Over easy? Sunny side up? Basted? Or Poached?”


I know I’m a little hard of hearing in the one ear and I have (on occasion) mistakenly  read the wrong item on a menu, but I know I told the young woman that I wanted a “California SCRAMBLE”.


So I give her one of my infamous, Ms. Benedetti raised left eyebrow looks, that basically says, “WTS are you talking about?”


She’s a quick read and correctly interprets my facial expression and emphatically (and ever so slowly) responds with, “Ma’am, people like their eggs prepared differently. Some people like them scrambled. Some people like them over easy. And some people like them poached”.


“So (long pause), how do you want yours?” she scornfully continues.


Not wanting to create a scene and conscious of everyone impatiently waiting behind me, I politely respond, “Thank you for graciously pointing that out to me. I’m sorry. Could you please give me a California SCRAMBLE, scrambled, please?”


The Princess, who is waiting in line behind me, and badly in need of her morning caffeine fix impatiently mumbles under her breath, “Lucie, for Chriminy sakes, I thought you were gonna order something simple this morning? What’s the problem? People need their morning coffee before lunchtime, ya know?! Just order some pancakes and eggs and if they put your eggs on top of the pancakes, I’ll give you MY plate for your eggs, so you can have your eggs SEPARATE from your pancakes! Just order, already!!!!”




I thought the whole lot of them was wacked on Saturday morning (including my testy partner), but apparently, I was being my usual inconsiderate personage.


Shoot me for being such a demanding customer. I actually thought a California SCRAMBLE, came SCRAMBLED!


But what do I know? I wore lime-green fishnet stockings, as a 12- year-old, and have never been what others call, “normal”, don’t ‘cha know?


God forbid I actually ordered pancakes and eggs and asked for a separate dish for my eggs! I have in past breakfast outings, and, as the Princess and my friends will attest to, they haven’t been some of our more pleasurable breakfasts, to say the least.


What can I say? I’m a purist. I don’t like my egg yolk on my pancakes.


Like my pancakes with just butter and syrup, don’t cha know, and strongly dislike egg yolk co-mingling with my blue-germs and blueberry compote.


Go out and have a good one today, People!


And remember, we’re all a little “weird” sometimes. Some of us just more so than others.


Catch ya next time looking at life from my shoes!

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I'm a retired special ed teacher, born in upstate NY, who spent most of my adult life in the SF/Bay Area and moved to the Olympic Peninsula of WA in June of 2017. At the encouragement of family and friends, who followed my silliness on my FB page, I started this blog a few years ago. I try to keep my topics as humorous as possible (because I believe "LIFE" is pretty serious these days), but will, on occasion write about more solemn subjects. I sincerely appreciate all who take the time and effort to read and make comments and am truly humbled when people actually "like" what I write. I do not participate in the "Wordpress awards" because I feel "awarded" when individuals actually read me and comment, but sincerely appreciate all of you who have considered me "award worthy" and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs, Lucie

19 thoughts on “I’ll take my California Scramble, Basted, Please!”

  1. Being literate people, we both would assume a scramble was scrambled. But our viewpoints diverge after that agreement, and I have to tell you I side with The Princess. I’m neither pretty nor nice when others delay my caffeine fix. Sorry, but you can’t cure caffeine deprivation any way other than getting your hands on the stuff quickly.


    1. You’re too funny!!! The Princess couldn’t stop laughing ! Today we got waited on for breakfast and I made sure she got her caffeine fix immediately before she could remind me that “Aunt Beulah” totally “gets her”!! 🙂


  2. I hope you also specified that you wanted CHICKEN eggs (as opposed to, say, lizard, spider, platypus, etc.), with the shells REMOVED, and COOKED (not necessarily included with scrambling). Otherwise, how were they to know? You’re such a trouble-maker!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know, seriously!!! I gotta stop being such a demanding person!!! :)p (The Princess had a good laugh at your comment. As did I, of course!)


    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I sometimes wonder if I’m “connecting with people or not” when I don’t get input. Leave it to ME to ask for something as complicated as a “CA. Scramble”, SCRAMBLED!!! Geesch!! I mean seriously. Next time I’ll make sure I ask for “chicken eggs” as opposed to “lizard eggs”!!! 🙂 And thanks for the follow. May I ask how you “found me”? I mostly have friends and relatives that follow me and am always interested when a “stranger” actually finds me. I’m not too tech savy and haven’t done much to “put myself out there”, so I’m always interested in how people stumble upon my blog….. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lucie – Like you, I don’t do anything to promote myself. I let others find me and some I follow back but well over 70% I don’t. I do my best to stay loyal to regular commenters and people that ‘like.’ Many that now do ‘likes’ used to be full time commenters and are now busy with something else in their lives, etc.
        I’m not exactly sure where I found you but I do remember seeing the words CA Scramble and it reminded me of so many wonderful mornings when Tom and I had breakfast either in Monterey or Carmel, CA and you struck my funny bone. Needless to say, I can use a funny here and there and I like the way you write so thought, heck, why not. Also, if I see someone I’ve had a long time blogging relationship in what I call your ‘like line’ then I’ll stop and read and see what that person sees that I’m missing out on. I know those are pretty silly reasons – but I learned within about 6 to 8 months of blogging that I didn’t want a lot of the people that hit follow taking up my time.
        I do my best to check in once a week but with Tom being so ill, I often don’t make it. I have been gone a long time and my posts have been further apart. I’m delighted we’ve met. Besides, you are a California girl, aren’t you?

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      2. You said exactly what I feel….When I first started, I noticed a few of my “followers” were either “strange” or trying to “self promote” which was a major disappointment for me. Thank goodness, I now have some pretty nice, loyal and talented people following me. People recommended me for these “self promoting awards” at the beginning and I was kind of honored, but find that these “awards” come with too many strings attached. I need to figure out how to get a “no awards, please” stamp on my blog….I’m truly honored that I struck your funny bone and hope I continue to do so. I am a “CA. transplant” but have lived here most of my life. I was born and went to college in upstate NY (Adirondeck Mts.) My partner is CA. born. I absolutely love where we live – the people, the great food, the ocean, and the talent of my friends….. I’m constantly challenged (intellectually) and love it. We talk about moving (to get our cost of living down), but realize, if we do we will NEVER be able to afford to buy back in…..You talked about Monterey…We love Capitola and Santa Cruz…..I look forward to “talking to you” in the future and sincerely hope that Tom’s illnesses are improving……….. 🙂

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      1. You’re so silly…And yep, we’re both scrambled! That’s why I “follow you” (just in case you thought I was a stalker!!!) 🙂


      1. Hun…am I to assume that you never had a basted egg before? Some people prefer their eggs “basted” rather than “easy over”…guess it’s just a personal preference. 🙂


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