Raccoons, Roses, and Plaid Flannel Jackets

20180430_134320-2.jpgCountry life is grand.

No more parking issues.

No more long commutes. No more dealing with loud, obnoxious noises and too many people.

On the other hand, I no longer have rose bushes or tomato plants.

Deer love roses and tomatoes.

And the bird feeders of my former life are a wistful memory of times past.

Raccoons love birdseed.

Did you know that deer like roses and raccoons eat birdseed?

OK, so the two of us aren’t so bright when it comes to wildlife.

The Princess bought a plaid, flannel jacket this year at the local Costco store.

She loves it.

Wants to wear it every time we go out in public. You’d think that a person who wears a plaid flannel jacket out in public would know a few things about country living and the local critters.


Every day she refills the bird feeder.

Every night the raccoons have a feast on her birdseed.

She decided that the bird feeder needed to be more permanently attached to our eaves.

I was impressed with her workmanship.

So were the raccoons.

One of them now goes to the top of our house roof, hangs off the side of the rain gutters and swings the bird feeder back and forth; knocking the seeds to his hungry buddies anxiously waiting below.

We watched this little sideshow through our office window, as it quietly unfolded in our front yard one night.

The Princess is currently working on another means to feed the birds and fool the raccoons.

I’m headed for the local mom and pop store this week for some silk flowers and fresh tomatoes.

Life is grand here on the Olympic Peninsula of western WA.

Take care and I’ll catch ya the next time, looking at life from my shoes.